Category Archives: Cushions

Basket weave cushion cover

This is a new stitch for me, and I am very pleased with how it has worked out.


Adapted from a pattern that I bought on ebay (search Hot Water Bottle & Cushion Covers Crochet Pattern Basketweave)
It is made in Robin double knit shade 59 (Moorland) on a 6mm hook, and took just over 100g to make this 12″ cushion cover. The wooden button was hand made by Terry Hitchen in Lochcarron.

Moody blues

This is my second crocheted circular cushion, and I am feeling rather pleased with it


Made using 300g of Rowan Drift ‘Shore’ and a 10mm needle. The trick is to crochet both circles at the same time so the tension stays the same row for row. I also found it useful to mark each ‘double’ stitch with a safety pin right at the start of the circle, and make sure the two circles had the same number of safety pins! (you may laugh – but it took me a couple of goes) The cushion is 16″ diameter plus the frill – a single treble stitch right around the circle, as there wasn’t enough wool for more.

Crochet cushion cover

An easy cushion cover in lovely Rowan wool


This is a 14″ circular cushion made in Rowan ‘drift’ super chunky wool on a 10mm hook, based on a pattern in ‘Cute and easy crochet’ by Niki Trench. I had to pre-cover the cushion pad with two circles of maroon cotton, as the light colour of the pad showed through the stitches. I have finished with a frill in treble crochet, which will need to be undone if I ever want to wash the cover, but I couldn’t think of a neat finish that could be opened. It took 2 x 100g balls for the circular pieces and another 60g for joining together and the frill. Wool from Skyeworks gallery, above the Isle of Skye bakery