The healing power of crochet

I have been off work for a while recuperating from a small operation. Long periods of rest were required, which turned into long periods of time spent in the company of some yarn and a crochet hook.
I made four blankets….
Three cushions, three scrunchies, several mushrooms (!) one mandala and countless granny squares….
To be honest I did not make a very good patient, but I can think of no better way of spending time sitting down than doing so with a crochet hook in hand. And I am hopeful, really hopeful, that next week I will be fit enough to go back to work and stay there!

9 thoughts on “The healing power of crochet

  1. Patch

    I think you are right, there is healing power in crochet. There is something meditative and contemplative in the repetitive movements of the hook. It lets your mind drift. It’s a way of staying active when you can’t be very physically active too. An excellent way to spend your time and beautiful work as a result.


  2. Megan

    I understand completely – I gave birth to our third child back in April. I’m not one for watching TV so I pack a bunch of yarn in my hospital bag and crocheted for the two days I spent in the hospital 🙂


    1. iamsimplyhooked Post author

      I did, thank you – at the time it seemed like my recuperation would never end, but three years on I am back to my old self. I don’t know how I would have coped with five months of inactivity if it hadn’t been for crochet.

      Liked by 1 person


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